Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Top 5 Korean movies

This week i am doing my top 5 korean movies!
when most people think of Korean or japanese movies they think horror films. they do do good horror films but i am not going to talk abut things like that. these are my top 5 korean movies!

5, 200 pounds beauty
this is a very fun movie. it's all about a woman who loves singing and has an amazing voice however she is... rather overweight and therefore can't get singed. she instead becomes the voice for another idol. the girl is slim and cute but can't hold a note. after constantly being rejected and feeling bad about her appearance she gets plastic surgery (under strange circumstance) and becomes Jenny. she gets signed up right away and men are falling at her feet. but will the guy she likes prefer her this way or not. 
this film was fun to watch and it was easy too. i will say they played Maria far too much by the end of the film my family were annoyed at the song and they weren't even in the same room as me. it had good humour and touched on a big issue, weight. i felt they did a good job at this. 

4, Cyrano agency
four members of a theatre group form a dating agency  when times get tough. using acting skills and tips from their stage shows they help people fall in love. however one day they get a client who is bad at talking to women and nervous. he had fallen for a woman who turns out to be the exgirlfriend of the head of Cyrano.
i preferred this to the drama. i did see this first though. it had some good humour and i thought the four mebers of Cyrano worked well together. although i watched this a while ago i still think it is a good film. 

3, Noriko goes to seoul
can anyone guess why this one is in my top movies...? yes Lee HongKi is in it and anyone who has read my other blogs has probably realised i am a fan. however even if he wasn't in this i would have enjoyed it.
the story is about a forty something Japanese house wife who has always dreamed of being a singer. she gets told she has cancer which makes her realise she needs to make her dream come true. she sees that a famous singing contest is going on in Korea so goes there and auditions. at the audition she meets a young guy who is giving people singing tips for money. when she hears him sing she wants him to teach her too. she manages to get through to the main show but mostly because for the novalty rather than her skill. Hongki's character then begins teaching her how to sing and even lets her sing one of his songs. but he isn't very motivated. her family soon find out what has happened and plead with her to come home while she is pushing Hongki to audition for a band (who just happen to be the other members of FTIsland).
this is a good film and you see Hongki in a different light to in You're Beautiful. he is playing a kid who has issues and needs someone to help him. really good film!

2, a werewolf boy
 after she is told she has bad lungs and the clean air will help a young girl and her family move to a countryside house. the house is sorted for them by the son of her now dead fathers friend. however the son has ideas of marrying her (which she is against). 
the daughter finds a boy locked in a barn near the house so the  family take him in. thinking he is just an abandoned kid with some social issues they look after him and help him act more... human. however after a while the daughter gets feelings for the boy even though she knows something isn't quiet right.
i enjoyed this film but it is a tear jerker. i wasn't happy with the end, but the film is very sweet. it is a good film be prepared for JoongKi to tug on your heartstrings!

1, chilling romance
i really love this film. it is funny and creepy and cute all at the same time.
 a woman is able to see ghosts because she keeps herself shut away from the world. she begins working for a magician helping him with his shows. after a lot of persuasion the team working with the magician finally get her to go out for a meal after the show. soon a friendship between the magician and her form but she still keeps her distance. after her getting drunk and ripping his shirt he decides to call by her house to see if she is okay. when he gets there he sees that she sleeps in a tent in the living room. after time he starts to see the difficult world she lives in. and why she keeps people at a distance.
  if you like Masters Sun and Fated to Love you (korean version) this film is for you. it has a similar humour to fated to love you and the same ghostly aspect that Masters Sun has.
well that was my top movies (so far) hope you guys enjoyed if you guys have any other films you liked or any comments on my choice feel free to leave them in the comment section. on a side note there were two other films that were close to getting in The Little Birde and Seducing Mr Perfect. also go check out Code Name Jackal i can't say it was a good film but it was an interesting one.
  see you next week

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