Thursday, 18 September 2014

My top 10 korean Actors.

this week i am doing a (late) post about my top 10 Korean actors. this was quite difficult to do as there are so many who i enjoy watching (not just for the eye candy) i decided i would rule out anyone who is in a boy group or is a singer first and then taken up acting, this made it a little bit easier but still i difficult task. it took a while and even now looking at the name's in front of me i am changing my mind. i had to change the list from my normal top five to a top ten as i just couldn't pick. just wait until next week when i am doing actresses it's going to be just as hard to figure them out too! so of course there are many actors i wanted to put in here that didn't quiet make it, mostly down to my mood at the moment and what drama's i have watched recently. LETS GO!!

10-lee Seung Gi-
he is very cute and has been in some of my favourite dramas, Gu family book, King to Hearts, my girlfriends a Gumiho. I haven't watched his most recent drama  you are all surrounded yet but so far i get the feeling he plays very similar characters. i would love to see him play something different. but that cute face works so well with his cheeky characters.

9-Yoon Shi Yoon-
this choice was one that kept changing. i have only ever watched him in flower boy next door so i felt i hadn't seen enough of his work to put him in here... but i absolutely love him in flower boy next door. again he has that cuteness too him but he also has a serious side. i feel like there are a few other actors i could have put in instead of him ... but today i wanted him here... he is so cute!

8-Jang Geun Suk-
Jang Geun Suk was a bit of a confusing choice. i have always viewed him as an actor then a singer but as i explained above i wasn't going to included people who are in bands or do acting after becoming famous for something else. how ever because i feel he is an actor first i put him in. anyways i loved him in you're beautiful, maybe not as much as my sisters who would yell pause at the tv if he smiled. i also really liked his character in Mary stayed out all night. if he is in something i will give it a watch. i tried watching love rain but my internet crashed every time i watched the first episode which made me give up. i should really try it again!

7-Jung Il Woo
i first saw him in Flower boy Ramen shop. at first i didn't like his character but after a while i fell for him. after that i went on a spree watching anything he was in. now he did star in one of the drama's i dislike the most ( my fair lady) but he was what made it watch-able (sorry Eunhye but i really hated that drama) i really want to see what he is going to do next. he is very good looking too which is a huge bonus!

6-Gong Yoo
one of the first ever korean drama's i watched was Coffee Prince so i have a special place for Gong Yoo in my heart! but it wasn't Coffee Prince that made him really stand out for me. it was his role in Big that made it. i thought he played a 16 year old trapped in an 30 year olds body really well. he even got the teenage tantrums down. i also saw his little cameo in dating agency Cyrano which was a nice surprise. he is a really good actor and i would advise anyone to watch something of his.

5-Kim WooBin
i first saw WooBin in To the Beautiful you, i didn't really pay much attention to him to be fair which i think was a bit mean of me. however he then appeared in Gentlemen's dignity as Lee JongHyun's (who i love by the way!) friend and the student of Seo Yi-So. in this i really liked his character and it did make me go back and check him out in to the beautiful you. in Gentlemen's dignity i notice he had a really good bond with his fellow cast. this was very oblivious again in Heirs. his character was my favourite in Heirs.

4-Lee JongSuk
i had a tough time trying to decide who would go higher between Lee JongSuk and Kim WooBin i love them both and enjoy watching them. however what gave JongSuk the edge s the drama's he has been in. i first saw him in secret garden and like with WooBin didn't really pay much attention to him he was cute and played the role well but didn't jump out at me. then i saw him in I Hear Your Voice...  after that i was like... I love this guy. i really think he does supernatural well.  i then watched him in Doctor strange again a different kind of drama to what i had seen him do. although some parts of doctor stranger annoyed me i thought his acting was brilliant. can't wait for Pinocchio!

3-Jang Hyuk
this was a bit of a surprise. i hadn't thought of putting him in until the last minuet. but when i thought over the top drama's i have watched recently and why i liked them and i suddenly thought why haven't i put him in my top Actors list. after watching fated to love you i had to put him in. he played Gun so well and i was laughing and crying with him through the whole drama. there wasn't a moment i thought he was annoying or anything. i loved his over the top acting and it has really made me want to see more of his work.

2-Lee MinHo
between 1 and 2 there isn't much. in fact it is as i am writing this that i have decided. Lee MinHo gets second place. it was so close i may have changed my mind several times while writing this...
 it came down to the drama's and how much i enjoyed them. Lee MinHo is amazing he is gorgeous and a good actor. he has been in some amazing drama's too. if you want to see what i think of them all here's a link to my top five Lee MinHo drama's->  
i think that blog explains my views on him best.

1-Choi JinHyuk-
he is a bit of an underdog in my eyes. he hasn't really had a lead role yet! can you believe that. all the drama's he is in and he is the second lead but then he got emergence couple and i was SO excited for this. i had first seen him i Panda and hedgehog which i was watching for DongHae but he took my attention away from DongHae. after that i watched him in Gu family book and saw a different side of him that was dark and sexy compared to his cute character in Panda and Hedgehog and loved him. then we got Heirs where he was more serious and brooding. we also got him as a lead in Emergence couple and the most recent Fated to Love You. he doesn't stick to the same character and he plays all these characters well and still looks so very handsome!  

Well thats my top 10 Korean Actors. as i said so many actors didn't get in but i wish i could have included them.
let me know what you think who's your favourite korean actor?
see you next week.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Top 5 Korean movies

This week i am doing my top 5 korean movies!
when most people think of Korean or japanese movies they think horror films. they do do good horror films but i am not going to talk abut things like that. these are my top 5 korean movies!

5, 200 pounds beauty
this is a very fun movie. it's all about a woman who loves singing and has an amazing voice however she is... rather overweight and therefore can't get singed. she instead becomes the voice for another idol. the girl is slim and cute but can't hold a note. after constantly being rejected and feeling bad about her appearance she gets plastic surgery (under strange circumstance) and becomes Jenny. she gets signed up right away and men are falling at her feet. but will the guy she likes prefer her this way or not. 
this film was fun to watch and it was easy too. i will say they played Maria far too much by the end of the film my family were annoyed at the song and they weren't even in the same room as me. it had good humour and touched on a big issue, weight. i felt they did a good job at this. 

4, Cyrano agency
four members of a theatre group form a dating agency  when times get tough. using acting skills and tips from their stage shows they help people fall in love. however one day they get a client who is bad at talking to women and nervous. he had fallen for a woman who turns out to be the exgirlfriend of the head of Cyrano.
i preferred this to the drama. i did see this first though. it had some good humour and i thought the four mebers of Cyrano worked well together. although i watched this a while ago i still think it is a good film. 

3, Noriko goes to seoul
can anyone guess why this one is in my top movies...? yes Lee HongKi is in it and anyone who has read my other blogs has probably realised i am a fan. however even if he wasn't in this i would have enjoyed it.
the story is about a forty something Japanese house wife who has always dreamed of being a singer. she gets told she has cancer which makes her realise she needs to make her dream come true. she sees that a famous singing contest is going on in Korea so goes there and auditions. at the audition she meets a young guy who is giving people singing tips for money. when she hears him sing she wants him to teach her too. she manages to get through to the main show but mostly because for the novalty rather than her skill. Hongki's character then begins teaching her how to sing and even lets her sing one of his songs. but he isn't very motivated. her family soon find out what has happened and plead with her to come home while she is pushing Hongki to audition for a band (who just happen to be the other members of FTIsland).
this is a good film and you see Hongki in a different light to in You're Beautiful. he is playing a kid who has issues and needs someone to help him. really good film!

2, a werewolf boy
 after she is told she has bad lungs and the clean air will help a young girl and her family move to a countryside house. the house is sorted for them by the son of her now dead fathers friend. however the son has ideas of marrying her (which she is against). 
the daughter finds a boy locked in a barn near the house so the  family take him in. thinking he is just an abandoned kid with some social issues they look after him and help him act more... human. however after a while the daughter gets feelings for the boy even though she knows something isn't quiet right.
i enjoyed this film but it is a tear jerker. i wasn't happy with the end, but the film is very sweet. it is a good film be prepared for JoongKi to tug on your heartstrings!

1, chilling romance
i really love this film. it is funny and creepy and cute all at the same time.
 a woman is able to see ghosts because she keeps herself shut away from the world. she begins working for a magician helping him with his shows. after a lot of persuasion the team working with the magician finally get her to go out for a meal after the show. soon a friendship between the magician and her form but she still keeps her distance. after her getting drunk and ripping his shirt he decides to call by her house to see if she is okay. when he gets there he sees that she sleeps in a tent in the living room. after time he starts to see the difficult world she lives in. and why she keeps people at a distance.
  if you like Masters Sun and Fated to Love you (korean version) this film is for you. it has a similar humour to fated to love you and the same ghostly aspect that Masters Sun has.
well that was my top movies (so far) hope you guys enjoyed if you guys have any other films you liked or any comments on my choice feel free to leave them in the comment section. on a side note there were two other films that were close to getting in The Little Birde and Seducing Mr Perfect. also go check out Code Name Jackal i can't say it was a good film but it was an interesting one.
  see you next week

Monday, 1 September 2014

Top 5 Lee MinHo Drama's

this week i am doing my top 5 lee MinHo dramas!! 

He is one of the biggest actors in Korea and he is dam hot! I had a little trouble thinking which should be number one but after some serious thinking i have chosen my top five. 

5, Boys over flowers
this was a huge drama. i have met people who know this show but don't really watch Korean (or any) drama's. it defiantly gave MinHo the chance to shine. 
unfortunately he had to get that dam perm!

 also i felt this drama was so long. my younger sister got into this drama and skipped to the last few episodes because she couldn't take it any more. 
 i don't feel i need to explain this drama as it is so well known. i read the manga and watched the anime before i saw the Korean drama. it wasn't a disappointment after watching the anime at all. as i tell most people if Lee Minho wasn't in this i probably would have given up on the drama... it's too long (not a fan of long drama's)

4, Heirs
I fell what failed this drama the most was the hype before it was aired. everyone was talking about it. everyone was excited because Lee MinHo and Park ShinHye were together in the drama. i feel that if it hadn't had so much anticipation and hype behind it i would have enjoyed it more. this drama had potential to be really good. we also got Choi JinHyuk in it who in my eyes is on par with MinHo. also (if no one has noticed yet i love CNBlue) we had MinHyuk! enough bout the supporting actors! 
 i didn't really see chemistry between MinHo and ShinHye the kiss scenes always made me feel like MinHo was forcing himself of ShinHye. anyone see that meme 'why you not like kissing minho!'. 
another thing that left me thinking WHAT was the costume department. what were they thinking with some of MinHo's outfits! some of them were horrendous. although i didn't really get a connection between MinHo and ShinHye the others were brilliant. i loved KimTan and YongDo's relationship i spent most of this drama wishing they would just be BFF! (more so than Kim Tan and EunSang) i also thought Kim Tan and Min Hyuks Character had so good chemistry. of course my favourite pair has to be the brothers KimTan and Choi JinHyuks character KimWon, i really wished Kim Won would realise that Kim Tan wasn't as much of a threat he though he was and just embrace him. also Choi JinHyuk and Lee MinHo on the screen together ahh ... SMEXY!  i would aslo like to say that the two mothers and Crystal and MinHyuk's chemistry was also amazing! 

3, Faith
i put this at 3 mostly because i'm not a big fan of historical drama's. if they are done well and have a good plot then i will enjoy it but if it's all political and dark i am like ahh... no. with Faith i felt they could have done more with the time travel thing. i also didn't really like the female lead much.
 however MinHo looked amazing in his Goryeo Period wear. he also was awesome with a sword. i found it was refreshing seeing him doing this sort of character. i also feel it was good for him to try something i bit different.
one thing with this drama was in the first few episodes MinHo has some cool electric power he uses and there's lots of magic and stuff... that disappears after a few episodes. at some points i was thinking, why didn't he use that coll electric power here?? 

2. Personal Taste
i loved this drama it really made me laugh. it was quiet funny seeing MinHo playing a man pretending to be gay ... he did it quiet well, also i loved his friend who pretended to be his boyfriend, and how uncomfortable MinHo was hee hee.
This drama is all about an architect who wants to get a project that a bigger more experienced firm also want (not only that but the firm was his dad's). one of the buildings that the project wants to be based on is a house that the lead female lives in. however no one has ever been able to get a look at this house. this is why MinHo pretends to be gay, the woman is looking for a new house mate, she wont let a straight guy live with her.
 the reason it is at number two is because it was a bit of a typical drama. not a bad drama at all but it wasn't one were it sticks in your head. this drama showed what a great kisser MinHo is. there are a few kiss scenes and they weren't the i will press my mouth on yours and stare and that's a romantic kiss. he actually kisses the woman. (and if shinhye had been more responsive in heirs maybe it would be a bit higher hee hee)
its an all round good drama and easy to watch.

drum roll please for number one!
1 City Hunter!
i fell this was kind of obvious. this role showed all the good bits of him, he has to be a spy and fight. then he is a computer wiz and romancing a woman. Boys over flowers brought him in to the lime light but i felt this was what really made him. it showed all his different skills.
 i had problems starting this drama. i watched the first episode and when he was trying to get the bullets out of his 'dad' i whimped out and thought if the whole drama is going to be like this i might not watch it. however people were ranting on about it so a little bit later and said to myself... watch it! am i glad i did. i found it gripping and interesting and i loved the bromance between him and Sik-Joong funny. this drama had it all  and i must admit i shed tears at the end. i really enjoyed the relationship between the police man young joo and MinHo's character YunSeong. and any drama with Lee KwangSoo in is going to be funny and entertaining!
oh and MinHo wears the sexy black mask!!

so that was my top Lee MinHo drama's if you guys have any comments or a different drama i haven't mentioned let me know in the comments. 
See ya next time!

Monday, 25 August 2014

My top 5 Gender Bender drama's!

Top 5 Gender Bender Drama's!
at one point these dramas seemed to be every where. i have seen some that i loved and others i can't quiet get what they were thinking. not only drama's but anime and manga seem to also have a love for gender benders. all the ones i am talking about are girls dressed as boys... i have seen mangas and animes doing it the other way with boys being girls (one of the ones i mention in this list has a very small amount of boys as girls) but i haven't seen it much in dramas.

5. Ouran High School Host Club live action (Japanese drama)-
  let me start by saying this is one of the worst dramas i have every seen. i absolutely loved the manga and anime, so much so that i went to met the English voice of Tamaki! when i saw they were doing a live action i was quiet excited even more so when  i saw who was playing Tamaki, Yamamoto Yusuke who i had seen in other dramas and loved.
 the problem is they did a really bad job. it was over the top and i just couldn't get into it.
i also know I'm not the only one who thinks this. i have spoken to people about it before and of course Eat Your Kimchi's Martina said it was bad too. P.S if you don't know who Eat your Kimchi are GO NOW FIND THEM AND LOVE THEM!

4 To The Beautiful You (korean drama)-
 this is a remake of Hana Kimi a Japanese drama (which i have put a little higher) also originally a manga. i loved the manga just like with Ouran. it was one of my favourites. however when i watched this i was left thinking WHAA!! firstly this has a lot of Kpop stars in it which i feel gave it more appeal. Minho from Shinee, Sulli from F(x), Hwang Kwang-he from ZE:A we also have Kim Woobin and lee Hyunwoo who i love!
 my younger sister watched this with me and she hadn't read the manga or seen th Japanese version so i spent most of the first episode trying to explain what was going on. i feel the first episode is the worst with out giving too much away I'll explain why.  in the manga our female lead meets the male lead at a athletics camp in America some 'stuff' happens and he gets injured and she blames herself. so what do you do dress as a boy and enrol at his all boys sport academy! however we don't get this explanation in the korean drama. we see the lead female watching an athletics competition on the TV and she see our male lead do the high jump with no problems. then Sulli chops her air of tell her American friend shes 'gotta do this' and then she goes to the all boys school. this is one of my main dislikes of the whole drama. it had potential to do so much better.
my other tiny annoyance is Sulli is far to cute to be a boy! but i could get past that if thy had done a better job of the story.

3 Hana Kimi (Japanese drama)
 this is one of my favourite Japanese dramas. first it was fairly true to the manga. i also really liked all the characters there where a lot of people in this drama but they all had different things about them. this was when i first saw Yamamoto Yusuke  and love his character even though it was a small part.
i liked how the school building really felt like a school i could believe kids went to (unlike the Korean version). again i can't say the female lead really looked like a boy. if the Korean version had done better on the first episode it would have been at 3 instead of four. i would say if you have watched the Korean version give this one a go too!

** the top two were very difficult to pick they both have points that made me want it at number one... however we are doing a top 5 gender benders not my top favourite dramas so when i thought that way i made my choice!**

2 You're Beautiful (Korean drama)
 this is my favourite drama EVER! so it was hard to put it at number 2. we have Lee Hongki play Jeremy, i dear you not to fall for him in this role. not only do you get  the lead singer of FTIsland you also get Jang Yonghwa (CNBlue) as Shinwo who is equally lovable and lets not forget the really tight pants he wears when following Go Minnam around.

 also Jang Guensuk my sisters love this man and its not hard to see why. the eye candy is off the chart in this drama plus they all play their instruments. as you can see i am a little bias because i love CNBlue and FTIsland.
  what really put this drama at 2 is Park Shinhye, she has the same issue that Sulli has far to girly and cute. i can't see how no one can tell that she is a girl.
but this drama is a must see WATCH IT!

1 Coffee Prince. (korean drama)
to most people this is obvious it has to be up in the top Gender Benders. this was one of the first Korean dramas i had seen. Eunhye does an amazing job, not only does she do a better job at looking boyish she acts it too. which is one thing all our other females had quiet got.

  as with most of the other dramas i mention there is a moment when one of the male characters thinks ' oh god i am gay... i like a guy' but this drama does it better.
  Gong yoo's character hires Eunhye's character to work in his all male staffed coffee shop after getting her to play his 'gay' lover. so they act as a gay couple to keep his grandmother off his back. there a more twists and turns before Gongyoo figures out she is a girl.
  also this drama has 'that' kiss scene!

so that was my top five gender bender dramas. i had a few i wanted to add, Nail Shop Paris was almost in, also i had serious thoughts about putting secret garden in but i wasn't sure if that really was classed as a gender bender or not. 
 If you guys have any gender benders i missed or any opinions on the ones i mentioned feel free to leave your comments.
i will be back soon with more drama reviews, top 5's and more!

Wednesday, 20 August 2014


I am Rosie.
 this blog is going to be all about things i love. Korean Dramas and such will probably be the biggest thing ha ha.
i have tried before to set up a blog but with a different site and it failed the site was a little complicated and i was trying to do it with other people and just didn't work. this time fingers crossed.
so this little blog is mostly an intro to me and such.
 I love music and now teach guitar (along with two other jobs). i also love Korean/Japanese ect stuff.
some of my favourite movies are Howls Moving Castel (lover the book too) Lord of the Rings disney movies!

go check out my other sites too
 Pinterest ->
twitter ->
must say my tweeting is a little poor ha ha.

anyways i will put up better posts soon!

see ya then